Friday, July 22, 2011


I received my permanent HK ID card today...its been 7 long years since I started off here..unbelievable ! I still remember the first day I landed here as a summer intern...literally chanting hanuman chalisa as HK was struck with SARS then !! But the stay here has outlived my fears...and I suppose I do have some sense of belonging now...heres to HK

The city speaks..

A million faces blend to form my skyline,
Some call me fast-paced, even greedy-
A shadow at best...
But if you look long enough
you will see
I am not a maze of money, but
of sweat and dreams....
And if your wings are strong enough
I will let you soar above the million faces...


Nishant Chandgotia said...

Congratulations :)

Anubha said...

The city spoke very well to you

Praveen PA said...

Beautiful! and Congratulations!